
Published on:

4th Feb 2025

The Net - In A Nutshell

Marc, Darren and Paul give you a quick Spoiler-free breakdown of the 1995 movie The Net. Then they reveal some behind the scenes facts and trivia plus other segments including Test Of Time, Worth A Watch and Listener questions and comments.

You can use this podcast in the following ways:

• Quickly learn what a movie is about without spoilers.

• Decide if a movie you haven't seen is worth your time.

• Learn something new about your favourite movies.

• Address that embarrassing list of movies you haven't seen.

• Get a nudge in the direction of your next watch.


Movies In A Nutshell

Instagram - www.instagram.com/moviesinanut

Facebook - www.facebook.com/moviesinanut

Marc Farquhar

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/marcfarquhar

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themarcfarquhar

Darren Horne

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/thedarrenhorne

Paul Day

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pauldaylive23

Recorded at Sunbeams Studios - https://www.thestudioatsunbeams.co.uk


Main Theme:

BreakzStudios - https://pixabay.com/users/breakzstudios-38548419/

Music Bed:

ProtoFunk - Kevin MacLeod (https://www.incompetech.com)

All music licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Show artwork for Movies In A Nutshell

About the Podcast

Movies In A Nutshell
Entertaining spoiler-free movie breakdowns followed by facts and trivia!
Welcome to Movies In A Nutshell, quick entertaining spoiler free movie breakdowns. Followed by hidden details and trivia! A new episode every Tuesday hosted by Marc Farquhar, Darren Horne and Paul Day.

From timeless classics to hidden gems to the latest cinema releases.

You can use this podcast in the following ways:

• Quickly learn what a movie is about without spoilers.
• Learn everything you need to know about a movie you haven't seen and decide if it's worth your time.
• Learn something new about your favourite movies.
• Address that embarrassing list of movies you haven't seen.
• Get a nudge in the direction of your next watch.

About your host

Profile picture for Marc Farquhar

Marc Farquhar

Co-founder of Movies In A Nutshell, Marc is a former heavy metal frontman turned podcaster with over 8 years experience behind the mic. He is also an established paddle boarding coach, a husband and a father.